Setup Cloudera Manager Parcel Distribution from a Central Repository

Cloudera Manager supports parcels as an alternate form of distribution for CDH and other system packages. Among other benefits, parcels provide a mechanism for upgrading the packages installed on a cluster from within the Cloudera Manager Admin Console with minimal disruption.

You can upgrade individual parcels, or multiple parcels at the same time — for example, upgrading CDH and Impala together.

All hosts in a Cluster point to the Cloudera Manager server to get their Parcels.

To setup a local Parcel repository:

  1. Browse to: and download the Precise version of Hadoop
  2. Browse to: and download the Precise version of Impala
  3. Browse to: and download the Precise version of SOLR

Move the files to the local Parcel repository: /opt/cloudera/parcel-repo

Note: The default location for the local parcel repository is /opt/cloudera/parcel-repo on the Cloudera Manager server. To configure this location, browse to Administration, Settings, Parcels.

  1. Open the manifest.json file which is in the same directory as the .parcel file you just copied. Find the section of the manifest that corresponds to the parcel you downloaded.
  "parcelName": "SOLR-0.9.3-1.cdh4.3.0.p0.366-precise.parcel",
  "components": [
    { "name":     "hbase-solr",
      "version":  "0.9.3-cdh4.3.0-SNAPSHOT",
      "pkg_version":  "0.9.3"
    ,{ "name":     "solr",
      "version":  "4.3.0-cdh4.3.0_search0.9.3-SNAPSHOT",
      "pkg_version":  "4.3.0+74"
  "hash": "66f5f2bf21334be97d30a47de83f9e37b56aebf4"
  1. Create a text file named after the parcel file with the .sha extension (for example: IMPALA-1.0.1-1.p0.431-el6.parcel.sha) and copy the hash code into it:
# cat > SOLR-0.9.3-1.cdh4.3.0.p0.366-precise.parcel.sha
  1. Place the sha files into your local parcel repository: /opt/cloudera/parcel-repo
  2. Once these files are in place, Cloudera Manager will pick up the parcel and it will appear on the Hosts, Parcels page when you add a new host. Note that how quickly this occurs depends on the Parcel Update Frequency setting, set by default to 1 hour. You can change this on Administration, Settings, and Parcels.

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