Copy data from one Hadoop cluster to another Hadoop cluster (running different versions of Hadoop)

I had to copy data from one Hadoop cluster to another recently. However, the two clusters ran different versions of Hadoop, which made using distcp a little tricky.

Some notes of distcp: By default, distcp will skip files that already exist in the destination, but they can be overwritten by supplying the -overwrite option. You can also update only files that have changed using the -update option. distcp is implemented as a MapReduce job where the work of copying is done by maps that run in parallel across the cluster. There are no reducers. Each file is copied by a single map, and distcp tries to give each map approximately the same amount of data, by bucketing files into roughly equal allocations.

The following command will copy the folder contents from one Hadoop cluster to a folder on another Hadoop cluster. Using hftp is necessary because the clusters run a different version of Hadoop. The command must be run on the destination cluster. Be sure your user has access to write to the destination folder.

hadoop distcp -pb hftp://namenode:50070/tmp/* hdfs://namenode/tmp/

Note: The -pb option will preserve the block size.

Double Note: For copying between two different versions of Hadoop we must use the HftpFileSystem, which is a read-only files system. So the distcp must be run on the destination cluster.

The following command will copy data from Hadoop clusters that are the same version.

hadoop distcp -pb hdfs://namenode/tmp/* hdfs://namenode/tmp/

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